Teaching involves so much more than just math, reading, science and social studies. We are nurturing little humans and it is crucial to develop a community that is conducive to giving compliments. The year always starts off with community building. A part that often gets forgotten is teaching kids how to give compliments. Keep on reading to find out how I address this in my classroom and create that compliment community (oh and there are a few freebies for you).
At the beginning of the year, many of the skills that I like to teach involve reading a picture book. Students can make a connection with these books and they often lead to deep discussions. An added bonus is, you can refer to these books the rest of the year to help your students remember the lessons of the book and what you are expecting in your classroom community.
One of the first books I use is Have you Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. It is an amazing book full of beautiful illustrations. It uses the idea that everyone has an invisible “bucket” that they carry around with them. Others can either fill the bucket (being kind, giving compliments, making others feel welcome) or they can dip into buckets (bullying, leaving kids out, name-calling). This ties in perfectly with giving compliments in the classroom!
I found this adorable mini garbage can at our local dollar store. It is the perfect size to become a “Compliment Can”. Throughout the week, my students can grab a slip of paper and write a compliment for someone in the classroom. They drop the compliment in the can when they are finished writing it all out. We talk about what a compliment is, how to write one and why we don’t just give our best friends compliments each week. I also add a compliment to the can every day.
During our morning meeting on Fridays, I had out the compliments in the can. We call this our “Spread the Love Moment”. We celebrate the compliments that are in the can and the students that received them. Students that receive a compliment have the option to read them aloud to the class or keep them private. Note: I always screen the compliments before handing them out, something mean can end up on the slips and that would not make for a very good day.
You can grab the compliment tags as a freebie in my TpT store by clicking here. But keep reading first, because I have one more idea!!
You can build a school wide compliment community by placing these sheets in your teacher’s lounge. Anytime a staff member sees a student (or a staff member) going above and beyond, they can quickly fill out the sheet and stick it in the teacher’s mailbox. The teachers can then deliver them to the child or keep the little note if it is something they did.

Want to use this sheet in your classroom or school? Click here to download the freebie. How do you fill buckets and build a classroom compliment community?